Posted on January 11, 2022 | Comments Off on Ellie and Abbie and Ellies Dead Aunt (2020) 720p WEB-DL DD+5.1 H.264-TEPES

Ellie & Abbie (& Ellie's Dead Aunt) (2020)
17 year old Ellie is struggling to find the courage to ask her classmate, Abbie, to the formal. Luckily her Aunt Tara, a lesbian who died in the 80's has shown up as a "Fairy Godmother" to dish out advice, whether Ellie wants it or not.
Starring: Sophie Hawkshaw, Zoe Terakes, Marta Dusseldorp, Julia Billington, Bridie Connell, Rachel House
Director: Monica Zanetti
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Tags: Bridie Connell, Julia Billington, Marta Dusseldorp, Monica Zanetti, Rachel House, Sophie Hawkshaw, Zoe Terakes
Posted on October 26, 2014 | Comments Off on Jack Irish Dead Point (2014) 720p BluRay FLAC2.0 x264-SbR

Jack Irish: Dead Point (2014)
Crime | Drama
When a high profile judge commissions Jack Irish to locate a mysterious red book, Jack is thrown into a world of sexy club owners, drug dealers and unhinged killers.
Starring: Guy Pearce, Marta Dusseldorp, Aaron Pedersen, Roy Billing, Shane Jacobson, Deborah Mailman, Vince Colosimo
Director: Jeffrey Walker
IMDb Info
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Tags: Aaron Pedersen, Deborah Mailman, Guy Pearce, Jeffrey Walker, Marta Dusseldorp, Roy Billing, Shane Jacobson, Vince Colosimo
Posted on November 15, 2012 | Comments Off on Jack Irish Bad Debts (2012) 720p BluRay FLAC2.0 x264-EbP

Jack Irish: Bad Debts (2012)
Crime | Drama | Mystery
BAD DEBTS: IS THERE ANY OTHER KIND? Melbourne in winter. Rain. Wind. Pubs. Beer. Sex. Corruption. Murder.
A phone message from ex-client Danny McKillop doesn’t ring any bells for Jack Irish. Life is hard enough without having to dredge up old problems: his beloved football team has moved interstate, the odds on his latest plunge at the track seem far too long and he’s still cooking for one. But then Danny turns up dead and Jack has to take a walk back into a dark and dangerous past.
Starring: Guy Pearce, Marta Dusseldorp, Aaron Pedersen, Roy Billing, Damien Richardson, Shane Jacobson, Vadim Glowna
Director: Jeffrey Walker
IMDb Info
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Tags: Aaron Pedersen, Damien Richardson, Guy Pearce, Jeffrey Walker, Marta Dusseldorp, Roy Billing, Shane Jacobson, Vadim Glowna
Posted on November 15, 2012 | Comments Off on Jack Irish Black Tide (2012) 720p BluRay FLAC2.0 x264-EbP

Jack Irish: Black Tide (2012)
Crime | Drama
Jack Irish (Guy Pearce) has no shortage of friends, but family members are short in supply. His wife was murdered by an ex-client and his father is a fading photo on the pub’s football wall of fame. So when Des Connors (Ron Jacobson), the last link to his dad, calls to ask for help in the matter of a missing son, Jack is happy to lend a hand. But sometimes prodigal sons go missing for a reason. As Jack begins to dig, he discovers that Gary Connors (Nicholas Coghlan) was a man with something to hide. And his friends are people with darker and more deadly secrets.
Starring: Guy Pearce, Marta Dusseldorp, Aaron Pedersen, Roy Billing, Damien Richardson, Shane Jacobson, Vadim Glowna
Director: Jeffrey Walker
IMDb Info
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Tags: Aaron Pedersen, Damien Richardson, Guy Pearce, Jeffrey Walker, Marta Dusseldorp, Roy Billing, Shane Jacobson, Vadim Glowna