Posted on April 27, 2013 |
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Polski film / Polish Movie (2012)
Comedy | Drama
Tomáš Matonoha, Pavel Liška, Josef Polášek and Marek Daniel met during their studies at JAMU (Janacek's Academy of Performing Arts) and created a creative foursome bound together with close friendship. As time went by, it turned out that despite all four of them are rather successful, they are struggling for life and encountering existential problems and doubts. In their forties, they decide to "travel back in time" and shoot a film about their youth, vanished energy, lost illusions and long gone naivety. Unexpectedly, a story about friendship, crisis and absurdity in the life of an actor, balancing between reality and illusions, is created.
Starring: Pavel Liska, Tomás Matonoha, Josef Polásek, Marek Daniel, Jan Budar, Jana Plodková, Katarzyna Zawadzka, Krzysztof Czeczot, Marcin Kobierski
Director: Marek Najbrt
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Tags: Jan Budar, Jana Plodková, Josef Polásek, Katarzyna Zawadzka, Krzysztof Czeczot, Marcin Kobierski, Marek Daniel, Marek Najbrt, Pavel Liska, Tomás Matonoha
Posted on December 25, 2011 | Comments Off on Štěstí (2005) 720p HDTV DD2.0 x264-DON

Štěstí / Something Like Happiness (2005)
Comedy | Drama
Three young adults in Most sort out feelings and responsibilities: Monika's boyfriend has left for the States, her mother wants her to join him there, and if the invitation does come, what should she do? Toník is a nice guy, his love for Moni is unrequited. He's trying to rebuild his family's crumbling house; a nearby factory has made an offer to buy the land. With Moni, he watches out for the two young sons of Dasha, their friend who's in a hopeless long-term affair with a married man: Dasha is at once unstable, unrealistic, neglectful of her boys, and cruel to those who help. For whom is this something like happiness?
Starring: Tatiana Vilhelmová, Pavel Liska, Anna Geislerová, Marek Daniel, Zuzana Krónerová
Director: Bohdan Sláma
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Tags: Anna Geislerová, Bohdan Sláma, Marek Daniel, Pavel Liska, Tatiana Vilhelmová, Zuzana Krónerová
Posted on December 24, 2011 | Comments Off on Protektor (2009) 720p HDTV DD5.1 x264-DON

Protektor / Protector (2009)
A Czech journalist joins a Prague radio station what broadcasts Nazi propaganda in order to protect his Jewish wife. However, as the Nazi rule over Czechoslovakia calls for more and more collaboration, his relationship with his wife spirals downward.
Starring: Matthias Brandt, Jan Budar, Marek Daniel, Cyril Drozda, Tomás Mechácek, Klára Melísková, Martin Mysicka
Director: Marek Najbrt
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Tags: Cyril Drozda, Jan Budar, Klára Melísková, Marek Daniel, Marek Najbrt, Martin Mysicka, Matthias Brandt, Tomás Mechácek