Posted on May 30, 2020 |

Three Nobunagas / 3 Nin no Nobunaga (2019)
Comedy | Drama | History
Warlord Oda Nobunaga has lost the battle in sixteenth century Japan and is currently being pursued by Ujinori Kanbara who was Yoshimoto Imagawa's vassal. Yoshimoto was slayed by Nobunaga and the former vassal is burning with the fires of revenge. Yet, success is seemingly tripled when he captures not one but three Nobunagas. Each prisoner claims to be the warlord.
Starring: Takahiro, Hayato Ichihara, Yoshinori Okada, Masahiro Takashima, Kazuyuki Aijima, Gôki Maeda, Nozomi Bandô
Director: Kei Watanabe
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Tags: Gôki Maeda, Hayato Ichihara, Kazuyuki Aijima, Kei Watanabe, Masahiro Takashima, Nozomi Bandô, Takahiro, Yoshinori Okada
Posted on November 30, 2017 |
One comment

Where I Belong / Soap Bubble / Shabondama (2017)
Izumi is an urchin who was set adrift by his parents. He is a thug, a thief and a predator. on the run from the cops he takes to the mountains of Miyazaki in southern Japan where he happens to come to the aid of an older local woman. Staying at the woman's house he is taken in not only by her, but also by the villagers. It can but only affect him.
Starring: Kento Hayashi, Mina Fujii, Kazuyuki Aijima, Katsuhiko Watabiki, Etsuko Ichihara
Director: Shinji Azuma
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Tags: Etsuko Ichihara, Katsuhiko Watabiki, Kazuyuki Aijima, Kento Hayashi, Mina Fujii, Shinji Azuma