Posted on May 17, 2013 |
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The ABCs of Death (2012)
Comedy | Horror
Twenty-six directors. Twenty-six ways to die. Co-produced by Drafthouse Films, and finally ready to be unleashed-see what happens when you give more than two dozen of the most brilliant filmmakers from around the world free reign to indulge their creative impulses and black humor. From A to Z, it's got something for every genre fan and is like nothing you've ever seen before.
Starring: Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Iván González, Kyra Zagorsky, Erik Aude, Dallas Malloy, Darenzia
Director: Kaare Andrews, Angela Bettis, Jason Eisener, Xavier Gens, Ti West, Jake West, Srđan Spasojević
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Tags: Angela Bettis, Dallas Malloy, Darenzia, Erik Aude, Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Iván González, Jake West, Jason Eisener, Kaare Andrews, Kyra Zagorsky, Srđan Spasojević, Ti West, Xavier Gens
Posted on November 14, 2011 | Comments Off on A Serbian Film (2010) UNRATED BluyRay 720p x264 DTS-HDChina

A Serbian Film / Srpski film (2010)
Adult | Drama | Horror | Thriller
Milos is a former porn star who is down on his luck financially. When he receives a call from his long-time movie actress partner, Layla, he welcomes her call. Apparently she's heard that a new film director wants to hire Milos to star in his "artistically-designed" porn film for a very generous price. He is easily lured form his semi-retirement by the lucrative offer, agreeing to meet the director in an isolated mansion. As the filming progresses, Milo begins to suspect that the director's intentions may be darker than mere pornography. As the film begins to devolve into a horrifically violent production, Milos finds escape may not be an option.
Starring: Srđan Todorović, Sergej Trifunovic, Jelena Gavrilovic
Director: Srđan Spasojević
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Tags: Jelena Gavrilovic, Sergej Trifunovic, Srđan Spasojević, Srđan Todorović