Posted on August 19, 2020 | Comments Off on Automata (2019) 720p WEB-DL DD+5.1 H.264-NTG

Automata / The Devil's Machine (2019)
Antique expert Brendon Cole is sent to authenticate a 300-year-old clockwork doll with notorious history, aka "The Inferno Princess". In the remote Scottish mansion where it was discovered, Brendon soon finds himself the victim of the automaton's legendary curse.
Starring: Jamie Scott Gordon, Jonathan Hansler, Alexandra Hulme, Victoria Lucie, Erich Redman
Director: Lawrie Brewster
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Tags: Alexandra Hulme, Erich Redman, Jamie Scott Gordon, Jonathan Hansler, Lawrie Brewster, Victoria Lucie
Posted on March 7, 2013 | Comments Off on Fangoria Presents Axed (2012) 720p WEB-DL AAC2.0 H.264-HD4FUN

Fangoria Presents Axed / Axed (2012)
Drama | Horror | Thriller
With the world in financial turmoil, Kurt Wendell has lost his top job in the city but cannot bear to tell his family the dreadful truth. Luckily he's a man who knows how to make serious cutbacks… Granting his children a day off school and his wife a day off work, Kurt drives the whole family to a remote spot, miles from civilization. Little do they know what he has in store for them… One last bit of business, a final project that is both sinister and deadly, involving his wife, his children, and the savagely beaten man trapped in the attic… It's not only Kurt Wendell that's getting AXED, as his ex-boss and his horrified family are about to find out, one by one.
Starring: Jonathan Hansler, Andrea Gordon, Nicola Posener, Christopher Rithin, Henry Douthwaite, Brandon Francis
Director: Ryan Lee Driscoll
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Tags: Andrea Gordon, Brandon Francis, Christopher Rithin, Henry Douthwaite, Jonathan Hansler, Nicola Posener, Ryan Lee Driscoll
Posted on December 7, 2011 |

The Drummond Will (2010)
Comedy | Mystery
Estranged brothers Marcus and Danny find themselves on a surprisingly dangerous quest to unravel the mystery surrounding their father's very unlikely wealth.
Starring: Mark Oosterveen, Phillip James, Jeremy Drakes, Jonathan Hansler, Victoria Jeffrey, Nigel Osner
Director: Alan Butterworth
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Tags: Alan Butterworth, Jeremy Drakes, Jonathan Hansler, Mark Oosterveen, Nigel Osner, Phillip James, Victoria Jeffrey