Posted on May 15, 2012 |
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The Return of the Living Dead (1985)
Comedy | Horror
On his first day on the job at an army surplus store, poor Freddy unwittingly releases nerve gas from a secret U.S. military canister, unleashing an unbelievable terror. The gas re-animates a corps of corpses, who arise from their graves with a ravenous hunger for human brains! And luckily for those carnivorous cadavers, there is a group of partying teens nearby, just waiting to be eaten!
Starring: Clu Gulager, James Karen, Don Calfa, Beverly Randolph, John Philbin
Director: Dan O'Bannon
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Tags: Beverly Randolph, Clu Gulager, Dan O'Bannon, Don Calfa, James Karen, John Philbin
Posted on February 26, 2012 |
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Dark Star (1974)
Comedy | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Hilarious romp set in the deepest reaches of outer space. The haggard crew of the dilapidated Dark Star spaceship–Doolittle, Boiler, Pinback, and Talby — is on an extended mission to seek out and destroy unstable planets. But after 20 years of the same routine, each crewmember is reaching the end of his tether. The journey is fraught with mishaps, and danger seems to lurk around every corner. There are misbehaving pet aliens, suicidal bombs that dream of detonating, frozen crewmates dispensing advice from beyond the grave, and a surly, unhelpful main computer that holds the men it serves in total contempt. Despite all these problems, the crew is still bored to the brink of madness.
Starring: Brian Narelle, Cal Kuniholm, Dre Pahich, Dan O'Bannon, Joe Saunders
Director: John Carpenter
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Tags: Brian Narelle, Cal Kuniholm, Dan O'Bannon, Dre Pahich, Joe Saunders, John Carpenter